The Truth About People Obsessed With Love And Relationships

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If you're like me, you've been obsessed with love and relationships for most of your life. You may have even spent years thinking that everyone else was as obsessed with them as you are—but when they don't seem to share your interest in this topic, it can feel like there's something wrong with you. But guess what? Your friends aren't trying to make fun of you! They just haven't found someone who gets them like that yet either. That's why we're talking about this today: so we can all learn how we can feel like ourselves again without being judged by other people who don't understand our feelings about love and relationships... or at least not until we've overcome them enough times to be able to talk openly about them without shame.

You're always prepared for the worst

You constantly anticipate the worst.

You know that your partner's actions can change at any moment, and you're prepared for it. You think about what would happen if your partner leaves you, or cheats on you. You think about what will happen if he/she dies and how it would affect your life if he/she dies in a car accident or from cancer or something else tragic like that. You also think about how his/her death would affect those close to him/her and how they might react to such an event happening in their lives (e.g., family members).

In short: everything that could go wrong does go wrong; therefore, there is nothing left for us but to mend broken relationships as best we can with our loved ones' help!

You hyper-analyze every little thing

You are always trying to figure out what your partner is thinking. You have a tendency to overanalyze everything they say and do so that you can be certain that they like you (or at least care about you).

You are always trying to figure out what you should be doing for your partner to make them happy. This often takes precedence over taking care of yourself or having fun on occasion. When someone is unhappy, it's usually because something isn't going well between them and their significant other/spouse/partner of choice—and therefore the solution will likely involve working together as a team rather than individually (unless there's an emergency breaking point).

You are constantly thinking about how much better life would be if only your SO were perfect—which means no more arguing about anything because then everyone would just get along forever! And once again: "If only."

Your mind is constantly

You're probably thinking, "Wait, how can I be constantly thinking about someone? Isn't that a sign of obsession?" The answer is simple: your mind is always going. It's like driving down the road and your car hits an invisible wall. You can't stop thinking about what happened; you've been there before and it feels so good to be back! But then everything stops being fun when you realize that this person isn't who they said they were online or in real life—and now you're stuck with them forever!

What's worse is when you realize that this person doesn't even know your name. They just want one thing from you, and they're gone as soon as they get it. You've been used and now you have to pick up the pieces of your broken heart and try to move on with your life.

You want to prevent your partner from experiencing heartbreak for as long as possible

If you're someone who's always looking for love and relationships, it's probably because you want to prevent your partner from experiencing heartbreak for as long as possible. You don't want to see them get hurt or their feelings get hurt. And if they do end up breaking up with you, it would be really hard for you—especially if they were important in some way—to move on with their life once that happened.

It may seem like this is just a normal part of being human: we all have feelings about people who come into our lives and then leave us behind. But there are different ways in which people can deal with these feelings: some people hide them inside themselves; others let those emotions out through crying; still others find ways to cope with the pain by talking about their experiences (and why not? It helps!).

Even though you're in a relationship, you still need a lot of alone time

You'll be happy to know that even though you're in a relationship, you still need a lot of alone time.

Alone time is good for you! It helps you clear your mind and think about things differently. It gives us time to reflect on our lives and figure out what we need to do next. It's also healthy for our minds and bodies; studies have shown that people who spend more time by themselves tend to live longer than those who don't get enough alone time regularly.

Even if your partner has never gone without talking to anyone else since they met them (which would make sense because they've been together since birth), even then it's totally fine if they want some "me" time every once in a while too! Everyone needs some alone time every once in a while—even those who are so close to someone else that they think nothing could break them apart!

You get emotionally overwhelmed easily

You are easily overwhelmed emotionally.

You feel like you are always on the edge of a breakdown.

You have trouble controlling your emotions.

You react to things more strongly than you used to, and it's hard for you to know whether or not something is worth getting upset about or if it's just normal human behaviour (which may seem annoying).

You might feel like you are going crazy. You are constantly anxious or nervous about something going wrong in your life even though there is no reason to think anything will go wrong.

Every part of your day has something to do with love or relationships... even when you don't realize it

You talk about your partner or crush a lot. You think about your relationship a lot. You're always thinking about your partner, and even when you're not together, it's still on your mind.

You want to spend time with them more than anything in the world—or at least that's how it feels when you're feeling like this!

You love being romantic and having fun with each other; but if there's one thing that can be said about relationships (and life in general), it's that things change over time. And sometimes those changes don't go as smoothly as we'd like them maybe try taking some time out of every day just for yourself?

Your crush doesn't need to be reciprocating your feelings for you to keep them around

Let's be real. You can't help who you love.

Love is a choice, just like anything else in life. It's not genetic or preordained and it doesn't just happen because two people are attracted to each other, either! Your feelings for someone don't have to be reciprocated for you to keep loving them; your feelings for someone don't have to be reciprocated at all!

You may feel like this person is the one who will always make your heart flutter when they smile at you, but what if that isn't true? What if they never show up again after all? What if the only reason why we're together right now is because of our parents' wishes? What if all those feelings were fake anyway?

You can't just turn off your feelings when a relationship ends

It’s hard to let go of a relationship. You may still have feelings for your ex and want to be with them, or you feel like the person isn't over the relationship yet. If you're obsessed with love and relationships, it can be hard to let go of someone you had in your life before—even if they've moved on and had another partner now!

There are also situations where people have been in relationships that didn't work out, but they still want them back together because of how much they care about each other or what they once shared together as a couple (for example: "I'll always love my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend no matter what happens between us"). There are also times when people think something will work out even though it won't—and when those things don't happen at all then there's often more pain than expected because we thought things would change after being apart from each other for a while...

Being obsessed with love and relationships isn't always unhealthy

It's normal to be obsessed with love and relationships.

In fact, it's healthy! The more you think about them, the more likely you are to find a partner who is right for you. But there are some risks involved with being obsessed—both good and bad. It can help you grow as a person if you focus on love and relationships, but at times it can also get out of hand and cause problems in your life that need fixing before they become too out of control (which is why I've included this section). Your obsession will help make sure that when things get tough in your life, as they sometimes do because life isn't always fair or easy...

you will have a support system in place that you can rely on. You may feel like you need to obsess over the people in your life, especially if they're important to you. But there are many other ways to fix this problem without getting obsessive about it!


It's important to remember that everyone is different and everyone has their own experiences. If you feel like you're struggling with love and relationships, there are resources out there that can help. It's also important to remember that it's normal not everything will go your way immediately when entering a new relationship or having feelings for someone new (especially when you're young). Don't beat yourself up if things don't work out as quickly as they should; instead, focus on taking care of yourself so that you can move forward with your life and enjoy other things! 

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